
12 Jan 2013

Does PTC Advertising Work?

The big question about PTC advertising is…  does it work?

The short answer is, yes, it does work but only for certain products and services.
With any site that your going to advertise on, you need to take into consideration your target audience.
What is my target audience? Your target audience are the people who are most likely to buy your product or service.  For example, if you sell bicycles, one of your target audiences are cycling enthusiasts.  Another target audience may be fitness trainers or people interested in outdoor sports.

Try to find a website to advertise on whose audience matches or closely resembles your target audience.  For example, if you sell bicycles and you buy an advertisement on a website about cars, you are probably not reaching your target audience effectively.  A better choice would be to advertise on a site about outdoor cycling or in a magazine about competitive cycling sports.
To tie this to the question, “Does PTC advertising work?”, think about your own target audience.  If you are trying to sell candy on a PTC site, it most likely will not work.  If you are trying to sell a location specific service or product, like taxi service in New York, it most likely will not work.  In fact, trying to sell any physical goods or service to PTCers will not work well.
So what will PTC users buy or signup for?  Think about what the PTC user wants and does.
The Average PTC user…
  • …is looking to make some money online.
  • …runs a personal blog or website to advertise their affiliate links.
  • …is looking for cheap, free, or effective way to advertise their affiliate links or websites.
  • …has average or above average skills at using the internet and a computer.
So based on this information, you can infer some different products or services useful to a PTC member.
  • Web Hosting for their personal blog or website
  • Domains for their personal blog or website
  • Paid website traffic (PTC, CPA, wholesale advertising)
  • Organic website traffic from search engines (SEO services, social networking)
  • Way to make money (ebooks, programs, franchises, etc)
  • Traffic Review services

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